Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Magic Apple

I was recently gifted with a magic apple. Magic because the apple is unexpectedly pink on the inside and appears like a normal yellow/green apple on the outside. This was the second time that I enjoyed such a hot pink(!) treat.

In college someone told me they had a "magic apple." Later, I discovered one upon my desk. We took a picture of me holding the apple roast pig style.

This time around, I sliced up my gift and ate it over yogurt with toasted walnuts and honey.

Aren't they pretty? They're just like a blood orange.

The magic apple is actually called a Pink Pearl Apple. According to Wikipedia, it was cultivated in 1944 by Albert Ettle from a Sparkle seedling. They are in season from late August to mid September.

1 comment:

Ohla Ohla!! said...

Interesting color..looks very yummy.

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